Almas Shriners is comprised of Units and Clubs. Every member of Almas is encouraged to join one Unit and as many Clubs as suits their interests. The Units were originally formed as parade units and are as follows:
Director’s Staff – The Director’s Staff is a group of dedicated Nobles who are active in the overall activities of the Shrine. Some of their current activities are to perform specific tasks at the will of the Potentate and conduct part of the candidate installation Ceremonials.
Flag Unit – The Almas Flag Unit is a patriotic group who proudly display the National Flag as well as the flags of all the states and territories in parades.
Greeters – The Greeters are the resident welcome committee for Almas Shriners. Whenever there is a Shrine event at our Shrine Temple, the Greeters can be seen in their white dinner jackets welcoming people into the building, passing out programs and otherwise making visitors feel welcome in our Shrine Home.
Klowns – What would a parade be without clowns? The Almas Klowns can be seen at several parades around the Nation’s Capital and are in the annual National Cherry Blossom Parade. Led by a Boss Klown, they walk the parades or ride either on a Segway or on an antique fire truck.
Legion of Honor – The Legion of Honor is open to all active or retired members of the military. In additional to leading the parade carrying the Colors, they are known for their help to wounded veterans returning from overseas.
Mini Motors – A Shrine parade without guys in little cars? Unthinkable!! The Mini Motors shows up in force to parade around in their little red Go-Karts and have now re-instituted a group on motorcycles. Whatever the vehicle, they all perform precision routines and continue to win awards in competitions every year.
Provost Guard – The Provost Guard is charged to take care of the security at all our Shrine business meetings.